ALL_CUBE_MEASURES describes the measures for the OLAP cubes accessible to the current user.

Related Views

  • DBA_CUBE_MEASURES describes the measures for all OLAP cubes in the database.

  • USER_CUBE_MEASURES describes the measures for the OLAP cubes owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the cube
CUBE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of a cube, such as UNITS_CUBE
MEASURE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of a measure in the cube, such as SALES
OVERRIDE_SOLVE_SPEC CLOB   Syntax text for the measure's consistent solve specification that overrides that of its cube
MEASURE_TYPE VARCHAR2(7)   Type of the OLAP measure:
  • BASE - Base measures store the data

  • DERIVED - Derived measures calculate the data from base measures; also called calculated measures

EXPRESSION CLOB   Expression that provides the values of the measure
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR2(300)   Description of the measure in the session language
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2(106)   Data type of the measure, such as NUMBER
DATA_LENGTH NUMBER NOT NULL Length of a character data type
DATA_PRECISION NUMBER   Precision of a numeric data type
DATA_SCALE NUMBER   Scale of a numeric data type