ALL_PART_TABLES displays the object-level partitioning information for the partitioned tables accessible to the current user.

Related Views

  • DBA_PART_TABLES displays the object-level partitioning information for all partitioned tables in the database.

  • USER_PART_TABLES displays the object-level partitioning information for the partitioned tables owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the partitioned table
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the partitioned table
PARTITIONING_TYPE VARCHAR2(9)   Type of the partitioning method:
  • UNKNOWN - Not specified

    See Also: the *_TABLES view


  • HASH


  • LIST


SUBPARTITIONING_TYPE VARCHAR2(9)   Type of the composite partitioning method:
  • NONE - Not subpartitioned

    See Also: the *_TABLES view


  • HASH


  • LIST


PARTITION_COUNT NUMBER   Number of partitions in the table. For interval partitioned tables, the value of this column is always 1048575.
DEF_SUBPARTITION_COUNT NUMBER   For a composite-partitioned table, the default number of subpartitions, if specified
PARTITIONING_KEY_COUNT NUMBER   Number of columns in the partitioning key
SUBPARTITIONING_KEY_COUNT NUMBER   For a composite-partitioned table, the number of columns in the subpartitioning key
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   If a previous DROP TABLE operation failed, indicates whether the table is unusable (UNUSABLE) or valid (VALID)
DEF_TABLESPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Default tablespace to be used when adding a partition
DEF_PCT_FREE NUMBER   Default value of PCTFREE to be used when adding a partition
DEF_PCT_USED NUMBER   Default value of PCTUSED to be used when adding a partition
DEF_INI_TRANS NUMBER   Default value of INITRANS to be used when adding a partition
DEF_MAX_TRANS NUMBER   Default value of MAXTRANS to be used when adding a partition
DEF_INITIAL_EXTENT VARCHAR2(40)   Default value of INITIAL (in Oracle blocks) to be used when adding a partition, or DEFAULT if no INITIAL value was specified
DEF_NEXT_EXTENT VARCHAR2(40)   Default value of NEXT (in Oracle blocks) to be used when adding a partition, or DEFAULT if no NEXT value was specified
DEF_MIN_EXTENTS VARCHAR2(40)   Default value of MINEXTENTS to be used when adding a partition, or DEFAULT if no MINEXTENTS value was specified
DEF_MAX_EXTENTS VARCHAR2(40)   Default value of MAXEXTENTS to be used when adding a partition, or DEFAULT if no MAXEXTENTS value was specified
DEF_MAX_SIZE VARCHAR2(40)   Default value of MAXSIZE to be used when adding a partition, or DEFAULT if no MAXSIZE value was specified
DEF_PCT_INCREASE VARCHAR2(40)   Default value of PCTINCREASE to be used when adding a partition, or DEFAULT if no PCTINCREASE value was specified
DEF_FREELISTS NUMBER   Default value of FREELISTS to be used when adding a partition
DEF_FREELIST_GROUPS NUMBER   Default value of FREELIST GROUPS to be used when adding a partition
DEF_LOGGING VARCHAR2(7)   Default LOGGING attribute to be used when adding a partition:
  • NONE - Not specified

    See Also: the *_TABLES view

  • YES

  • NO

DEF_COMPRESSION VARCHAR2(8)   Default compression to be used when adding a partition:
  • NONE - Not specified

    See Also: the *_TABLES view



DEF_COMPRESS_FOR VARCHAR2(12)   Default compression for what kind of operations to be used when adding a partition:
DEF_BUFFER_POOL VARCHAR2(7)   Default buffer pool to be used when adding a partition:

  • KEEP


  • NULL

DEF_FLASH_CACHE VARCHAR2(7)   Default Database Smart Flash Cache hint to be used when adding a partition:

  • KEEP

  • NONE

Solaris and Oracle Linux functionality only.

DEF_CELL_FLASH_CACHE VARCHAR2(7)   Default cell flash cache hint to be used when adding a partition:

  • KEEP

  • NONE

See Also: Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software documentation for more information

REF_PTN_CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the partitioning referential constraint for reference-partitioned tables
INTERVAL VARCHAR2(1000)   String of the interval value
IS_NESTED VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the partitioned table is a nested table (YES) or not (NO)

See Also: the *_NESTED_TABLES view for the parent table name/column

DEF_SEGMENT_CREATIONFoot 2  VARCHAR2(4)   Indicates whether a table partition segment has been created (YES) or not (NO). N/A indicates that this table is subpartitioned and no segment exists at the partition level

Footnote 1 Hybrid Columnar Compression is a feature of the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database that is dependent on the underlying storage system. See Oracle Database Concepts for more information.

Footnote 2 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (