ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES describes the propagation schedules whose source queues are accessible to the current user.

Related Views

  • DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES describes all propagation schedules in the database.

  • USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES describes the propagation schedules whose source queues are owned by the current user. This view does not display the SCHEMA column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
SCHEMA VARCHAR2(30)   Source queue owner
QNAME VARCHAR2(30)   Source queue name
DESTINATION VARCHAR2(128)   Destination name, currently limited to be a DBLINK name
START_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Date at which to start propagation
START_TIME VARCHAR2(8)   Time of day at which to start propagation (in HH:MI:SS format)
PROPAGATION_WINDOW NUMBER   Duration for the propagation window (in seconds)
NEXT_TIME VARCHAR2(4000)   Function to compute the start of the next propagation window
LATENCY NUMBER   Maximum wait time to propagate a message during the propagation window
SCHEDULE_DISABLED VARCHAR2(1)   Indicates whether the schedule is disabled (Y) or enabled (N). If disabled, then the schedule will not be executed.
PROCESS_NAME VARCHAR2(4)   Name of the process executing the schedule; NULL if not currently executing
SESSION_ID VARCHAR2(82)   Session ID and session serial number of the job executing this schedule (SID, SERIAL#); NULL if not currently executing
INSTANCE NUMBER   Cluster database instance number executing the schedule
LAST_RUN_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Date of the last successful execution
LAST_RUN_TIME VARCHAR2(8)   Time of day of the last successful execution (in HH:MI:SS format)
CURRENT_START_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Date at which the current window of this schedule was started
CURRENT_START_TIME VARCHAR2(8)   Time of day at which the current window of this schedule was started (in HH:MI:SS format)
NEXT_RUN_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Date at which the next window of this schedule will be started
NEXT_RUN_TIME VARCHAR2(8)   Time of day at which the next window of this schedule will be started (in HH:MI:SS format)
TOTAL_TIME NUMBER   Total time spent by the system in executing this schedule (in seconds)
TOTAL_NUMBER NUMBER   Total number of messages propagated in this schedule
TOTAL_BYTES NUMBER   Total number of bytes propagated in this schedule
MAX_NUMBER NUMBER   Maximum number of messages propagated in a propagation window
MAX_BYTES NUMBER   Maximum number of bytes propagated in a propagation window
AVG_NUMBER NUMBER   Average number of messages propagated in a propagation window
AVG_SIZE NUMBER   Average size of a propagated message (in bytes)
AVG_TIME NUMBER   Average time to propagate a message (in seconds)
FAILURES NUMBER   Number of consecutive times schedule execution has failed, if any. After 16 consecutive failures, a propagation job becomes disabled automatically.
LAST_ERROR_DATE DATE   Date of the last unsuccessful execution
LAST_ERROR_TIME VARCHAR2(8)   Time of day of the last unsuccessful execution (in HH:MI:SS format)
LAST_ERROR_MSG VARCHAR2(4000)   Error number and error message text of the last unsuccessful execution
MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE VARCHAR2(10)   Message delivery mode:


ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME NUMBER   Elapsed dequeue time (in hundredths of a second)
ELAPSED_PICKLE_TIME NUMBER   Elapsed pickle time (time taken to linearize a logical change record (LCR) into a stream of bytes that can be sent over the network) (in hundredths of a second)
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the Scheduler job