ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS displays information about the Scheduler jobs accessible to the current user.

Related Views

  • DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS displays information about all Scheduler jobs in the database.

  • USER_SCHEDULER_JOBS displays information about the Scheduler jobs owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the Scheduler job
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the Scheduler job
JOB_SUBNAME VARCHAR2(30)   Subname of the Scheduler job (for a job running a chain step)
JOB_STYLE VARCHAR2(11)   Job style:


JOB_CREATOR VARCHAR2(30)   Original creator of the job
CLIENT_ID VARCHAR2(64)   Client identifier of the user creating the job
GLOBAL_UID VARCHAR2(32)   Global user identifier of the user creating the job
PROGRAM_OWNER VARCHAR2(4000)   Owner of the program associated with the job
PROGRAM_NAME VARCHAR2(4000)   Name of the program associated with the job
JOB_TYPE VARCHAR2(16)   Inline job action type:




JOB_ACTION VARCHAR2(4000)   Inline job action
NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS NUMBER   Inline number of job arguments
SCHEDULE_OWNER VARCHAR2(4000)   Owner of the schedule that the job uses (can be a window or a window group)
SCHEDULE_NAME VARCHAR2(4000)   Name of the schedule that the job uses (can be a window or a window group)
SCHEDULE_TYPE VARCHAR2(12)   Type of the schedule that the job uses:
  • IMMEDIATE - Start date and repeat interval are NULL

  • ONCE - Repeat interval is NULL

  • PLSQL - PL/SQL expression used as schedule

  • CALENDAR - Oracle calendaring expression used as schedule

  • EVENT - Event schedule

  • NAMED - Named schedule

  • WINDOW - Window used as schedule

  • WINDOW_GROUP - Window group used as schedule

START_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Original scheduled start date of the job (for an inline schedule)
REPEAT_INTERVAL VARCHAR2(4000)   Inline schedule PL/SQL expression or calendar string
EVENT_QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the source queue into which the event will be raised
EVENT_QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the source queue into which the event will be raised
EVENT_QUEUE_AGENT VARCHAR2(256)   Name of the AQ agent used by the user on the event source queue (if it is a secure queue)
EVENT_CONDITION VARCHAR2(4000)   Boolean expression used as the subscription rule for the event on the source queue
EVENT_RULE VARCHAR2(65)   Name of the rule used by the coordinator to trigger the event-based job
FILE_WATCHER_OWNER VARCHAR2(65)   Owner of the file watcher on which this job is based
FILE_WATCHER_NAME VARCHAR2(65)   Name of the file watcher on which this job is based
END_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Date after which the job will no longer run (for an inline schedule)
JOB_CLASS VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the job class associated with the job
ENABLED VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE)
AUTO_DROP VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job will be dropped when it has completed (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
RESTARTABLE VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job can be restarted (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
STATE VARCHAR2(15)   Current state of the job:










JOB_PRIORITY NUMBER   Priority of the job relative to other jobs in the same class
RUN_COUNT NUMBER   Number of times the job has run
MAX_RUNS NUMBER   Maximum number of times the job is scheduled to run
FAILURE_COUNT NUMBER   Number of times the job has failed to run
MAX_FAILURES NUMBER   Number of times the job will be allowed to fail before being marked broken
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER   Number of times the job has retried, if it is retrying
LAST_START_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Last date on which the job started running
LAST_RUN_DURATION INTERVAL DAY(9) TO SECOND(6)   Amount of time the job took to complete during the last run
NEXT_RUN_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Next date on which the job is scheduled to run
SCHEDULE_LIMIT INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(0)   Time after which a job which has not run yet will be rescheduled
MAX_RUN_DURATION INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(0)   Maximum amount of time for which the job will be allowed to run
LOGGING_LEVEL VARCHAR2(11)   Amount of logging that will be done pertaining to the job:
  • OFF

  • RUNS


  • FULL

STOP_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job will stop if a window associated with the job closes (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
INSTANCE_STICKINESS VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job is sticky (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
RAISE_EVENTS VARCHAR2(4000)   List of job events to raise for the job:










SYSTEM VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job is a system job (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
JOB_WEIGHT NUMBER   Weight of the job
NLS_ENV VARCHAR2(4000)   NLS environment of the job
SOURCE VARCHAR2(128)   Source global database identifier
NUMBER_OF_DESTINATIONS NUMBER   Number of destinations associated with this job
DESTINATION_OWNER VARCHAR2(128)   Owner of the destination object (if used), else NULL
DESTINATION VARCHAR2(128)   Destination that this job will run on
CREDENTIAL_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the credential to be used for an external job
CREDENTIAL_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the credential to be used for an external job
INSTANCE_ID NUMBER   Instance on which the user requests the job to run
DEFERRED_DROP VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job will be dropped when completed due to user request (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
ALLOW_RUNS_IN_RESTRICTED_MODE VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the job is allowed to run in restricted session mode (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
COMMENTS VARCHAR2(240)   Comments on the job
FLAGS NUMBER   This column is for internal use