ALL_SERVICES displays all services in the database. The view excludes rows marked for deletion.

Related View

DBA_SERVICES displays all services in the database. The view excludes rows marked for deletion.

Column Datatype NULL Description
SERVICE_ID NUMBER   Unique ID for the service
NAME VARCHAR2(64)   Service name for a queue
NAME_HASH NUMBER   Hash of the short name for the service
NETWORK_NAME VARCHAR2(512)   Network name used to connect to the service
CREATION_DATE DATE   Date the service was created
CREATION_DATE_HASH NUMBER   Hash of the creation date
FAILOVER_METHOD VARCHAR2(64)   Failover method (BASIC or NONE) for the service
FAILOVER_TYPE VARCHAR2(64)   Failover type (SESSION or SELECT) for the service
FAILOVER_RETRIES NUMBER(10)   Number of retries when failing over the service
FAILOVER_DELAY NUMBER(10)   Delay between retries when failing over the service
MIN_CARDINALITY NUMBER   Reserved for internal use
MAX_CARDINALITY NUMBER   Reserved for internal use
GOAL VARCHAR2(12)   Service workload management goal:
  • NONE



DTP VARCHAR2(1)   Indicates whether the service is for DTP or distributed transactions including XA transactions (Y) or (N)
ENABLED VARCHAR2(3)   Reserved for internal use
AQ_HA_NOTIFICATIONS VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether AQ notifications are sent for HA events (YES) or not (NO)
CLB_GOAL VARCHAR2(5)   Connection load balancing goal. It is used with statistics that are sent to the listeners to determine how new connections are distributed. It may be either LONG or SHORT.
EDITIONFoot 1  VARCHAR2(30)   A non-NULL value specifies the initial session edition for subsequent database connections that use the service and do not specify an edition. A NULL value has no effect.

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (