ALL_TAB_PARTITIONS displays partition-level partitioning information, partition storage parameters, and partition statistics generated by the DBMS_STATS package for the partitions accessible to the current user.

Related Views

  • DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS displays such information for all partitions in the database.

  • USER_TAB_PARTITIONS displays such information for the partitions of all partitioned objects owned by the current user. This view does not display the TABLE_OWNER column.


Columns marked with an asterisk (*) are populated only if you collect statistics on the table with the DBMS_STATS package.


The following is true for the columns below that include double asterisks (**) in the column description:

The column can display information about segment-level attributes (for simple partitioned tables) or metadata (for composite partitioned tables). In a simple partitioned table, the partition physically contains the data (the segment) in the database. In a composite partitioned table, the partition is metadata and the data itself is stored in the subpartitions.

Column Datatype NULL Description
TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the table
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the table
COMPOSITE VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the table is composite-partitioned (YES) or not (NO)
PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the partition
SUBPARTITION_COUNT NUMBER   If this is a composite partitioned table, the number of subpartitions in the partition
HIGH_VALUE LONG   Partition bound value expression
HIGH_VALUE_LENGTH NUMBER   Length of the partition bound value expression
PARTITION_POSITION NUMBER   Position of the partition within the table
TABLESPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the tablespace containing the partition**
PCT_FREE NUMBER   Minimum percentage of free space in a block**
PCT_USED NUMBER   Minimum percentage of used space in a block**
INI_TRANS NUMBER   Initial number of transactions**
MAX_TRANS NUMBER   Maximum number of transactions**
INITIAL_EXTENT NUMBER   Size of the initial extent in bytes (for a range partition); size of the initial extent in blocks (for a composite partition)**
NEXT_EXTENT NUMBER   Size of secondary extents in bytes (for a range partition); size of secondary extents in blocks (for a composite partition)**
MIN_EXTENT NUMBER   Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment**
MAX_EXTENT NUMBER   Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment**
MAX_SIZE NUMBER   Maximum number of blocks allowed in the segment**
PCT_INCREASE NUMBER   Percentage increase in extent size**
FREELISTS NUMBER   Number of process freelists allocated in this segment**
FREELIST_GROUPS NUMBER   Number of freelist groups allocated in this segment**
LOGGING VARCHAR2(7)   Indicates whether or not changes to the table are logged**:
  • NONE - Not specified

    See Also: the *_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS view

  • YES

  • NO

COMPRESSION VARCHAR2(8)   Indicates the actual compression property for a partition of a simple partitioned table, or the default (if specified) for subpartitions for composite partitioned tables, otherwise NONE.**
  • NONE - The partition is composite, and a default setting is not specified for compression.

    See Also: the *_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS view

  • ENABLED - The setting for compression is enabled.

  • DISABLED - The setting for compression is disabled.

COMPRESS_FOR VARCHAR2(12)   Default compression for what kind of operations:
NUM_ROWS* NUMBER   Number of rows in the partition
BLOCKS* NUMBER   Number of used data blocks in the partition
EMPTY_BLOCKS NUMBER   Number of empty (never used) data blocks in the partition. This column is populated only if you collect statistics on the table using the DBMS_STATS package.
AVG_SPACE* NUMBER   Average amount of free space, in bytes, in a data block allocated to the partition
CHAIN_CNT* NUMBER   Number of rows in the partition that are chained from one data block to another, or which have migrated to a new block, requiring a link to preserve the old ROWID
AVG_ROW_LEN* NUMBER   Average length of a row in the partition (in bytes)
SAMPLE_SIZE NUMBER   Sample size used in analyzing this partition
LAST_ANALYZED DATE   Date on which this partition was most recently analyzed
BUFFER_POOL VARCHAR2(7)   Buffer pool to be used for the partition blocks:**

  • KEEP


  • NULL

FLASH_CACHE VARCHAR2(7)   Database Smart Flash Cache hint to be used for partition blocks:**

  • KEEP

  • NONE

Solaris and Oracle Linux functionality only.

CELL_FLASH_CACHE VARCHAR2(7)   Cell flash cache hint to be used for partition blocks:**

  • KEEP

  • NONE

See Also: Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software documentation for more information

GLOBAL_STATS VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether statistics were collected for the partition as a whole (YES) or were estimated from statistics on underlying subpartitions (NO)
USER_STATS VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether statistics were entered directly by the user (YES) or not (NO)
IS_NESTED VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether this is a nested table partition (YES) or not (NO)

See Also: the *_NESTED_TABLES view for the parent table name/column

PARENT_TABLE_PARTITION VARCHAR2(30)   Parent table's corresponding partition

See Also: the *_NESTED_TABLES view for the parent table name/column

INTERVAL VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the partition is in the interval section of an interval partitioned table (YES) or whether the partition is in the range section (NO)
SEGMENT_CREATED VARCHAR2(4)   Indicates whether the table partition segment has been created (YES) or not (NO); N/A indicates that this table is subpartitioned and no segment exists at the partition level

Footnote 1 Hybrid Columnar Compression is a feature of the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database that is dependent on the underlying storage system. See Oracle Database Concepts for more information.