ALL_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND displays information about the XStream outbound servers accessible to the current user.

Related View

DBA_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND displays information about all XStream outbound servers in the database.

Column Datatype NULL Description
SERVER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the outbound server
CONNECT_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user who can connect to the outbound server and process the outbound LCRs
CAPTURE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the Streams capture process
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   Database where the transaction originated
CAPTURE_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Current user who is enqueuing captured messages
QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the queue associated with the outbound server
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the queue associated with the outbound server
USER_COMMENT VARCHAR2(4000)   User comment
CREATE_DATE TIMESTAMP(6)   Date when the outbound server was created
STATUSFoot 1  VARCHAR2(8)   Status of the inbound server:
  • DISABLED - The outbound server is not running.

  • DETACHED - The outbound server is running, but the XStream client application is not attached to it.

  • ATTACHED - The outbound server is running, and the XStream client application is attached to it.

  • ABORTED - The outbound server became disabled because it encountered an error.

COMMITTED_DATA_ONLYFootref 1 VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the outbound server can send only LCRs in committed transactions to the XStream client application. A committed transaction is an assembled, noninterleaving transaction with no rollbacks.

NO if the outbound server can send LCRs in transactions that have not yet committed to the XStream client application. This mode is for internal Oracle use only.

START_SCNFootref 1 NUMBER   The SCN from which the outbound server's capture process started capturing changes when it was last started
START_TIMEFootref 1 TIMESTAMP(6)   The time from which the outbound server's capture process started capturing changes when it was last started

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (