DBA_ADVISOR_FDG_BREAKDOWN describes the contribution from the different instances to the findings for each ADDM task. This view is populated only with ADDM tasks that are analyzing multiple instances (that is, the ACTUAL_ANALYSIS column in the task's row in DBA_ADDM_TASKS is set to DATABASE or PARTIAL).

Related View

USER_ADVISOR_FDG_BREAKDOWN describes the contribution from the different instances to the findings for each ADDM task owned by the current user.

Column Datatype NULL Description
TASK_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique identifier of the task (see DBA_ADVISOR_TASKS and DBA_ADDM_TASKS)
FINDING_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Identifier of the finding to which this breakdown applies (see DBA_ADVISOR_FINDINGS and DBA_ADDM_FINDINGS)
INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER NOT NULL The number of the instance for the breakdown
IMPACT NUMBER   The database time (in microseconds) of the finding in the instance
PERC_IMPACT NUMBER   Percentage of the contribution of the instance to the overall finding's impact
EXECUTION_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   The name of the task execution with which this entry (row) is associated