DBA_ADVISOR_SQLSTATS displays execution statistics for the test-execution of different SQL plans during the advisor analysis.

Related View

USER_ADVISOR_SQLSTATS displays execution statistics owned by the current user for the test-execution of different SQL plans during the advisor analysis.

Column Datatype NULL Description
TASK_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Advisor task name in which the SQL statement was executed (see DBA_ADVISOR_TASKS)
TASK_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Advisor task ID in which the SQL statement was executed (see DBA_ADVISOR_TASKS)
EXECUTION_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Advisor task execution in which the SQL statement was executed (see DBA_ADVISOR_EXECUTIONS)
EXECUTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(30)   Type of the advisor task execution in which the SQL statement was executed (see DBA_ADVISOR_EXECUTIONS)
OBJECT_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Advisor object ID identifying the relevant SQL statement (see DBA_ADVISOR_OBJECTS)
PLAN_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Plan ID number generated to uniquely identify a plan for a particular SQL statement (foreign key to DBA_ADVISOR_SQLPLANS)
SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) NOT NULL Identifier for the SQL statement executed
PLAN_HASH_VALUE NUMBER NOT NULL Hash value of the SQL execution plan
ATTR1 NUMBER   Reserved for internal use
PARSE_TIME NUMBER   Parse time (in microseconds) measured for the SQL
ELAPSED_TIME NUMBER   Elapsed time (in microseconds) to execute the SQL and fetch all of its rows, after parsing
CPU_TIME NUMBER   CPU time (in microseconds) to execute the SQL and fetch all of its rows, after parsing
USER_IO_TIME NUMBER   I/O time (in microseconds) to execute the SQL and fetch all of its rows, after parsing
BUFFER_GETS NUMBER   Number of buffer gets measured for executing the SQL and fetching all of its rows
DISK_READS NUMBER   Number of disk reads measured for executing the SQL and fetching all of its rows
DIRECT_WRITES NUMBER   Number of direct writes measured for executing the SQL and fetching all of its rows
PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS NUMBER   Number of physical read I/O requests issued by the monitored SQL
PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS NUMBER   Number of physical write I/O requests issued by the monitored SQL
PHYSICAL_READ_BYTES NUMBER   Number of bytes read from disks by the monitored SQL
PHYSICAL_WRITE_BYTES NUMBER   Number of bytes written to disks by the monitored SQL
ROWS_PROCESSED NUMBER   Number of rows returned by the SQL execution
FETCHES NUMBER   Number of fetches for the SQL execution
EXECUTIONS NUMBER   Execution count for the SQL. This column will always have a value of 1 or 0.
END_OF_FETCH_COUNT NUMBER   Indicates whether the SQL was executed to end-of-fetch (1) or not (0)
OPTIMIZER_COST NUMBER   Optimizer cost for the execution plan
OTHER CLOB   Reserved for future use
TESTEXEC_TOTAL_EXECS NUMBER   Total number of executions during test execute
IO_INTERCONNECT_BYTES NUMBER   Number of I/O bytes exchanged between Oracle Database and the storage system
TESTEXEC_FIRST_EXEC_IGNORED VARCHAR2(1)   Indicates whether the first execution in test execute is ignored (Y) or not (N)