DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS displays information about database feature usage statistics.

Column Datatype NULL Description
DBID NUMBER NOT NULL Database identifier of the database being tracked
NAME VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL Name of the feature
VERSION VARCHAR2(17) NOT NULL Database version in which the feature was tracked
DETECTED_USAGES NUMBER NOT NULL Number of times the system has detected usage for the feature
TOTAL_SAMPLES NUMBER NOT NULL Number of times the system has woken up and checked for feature usage
CURRENTLY_USED VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether usage was detected the last time the system checked (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
FIRST_USAGE_DATE DATE   First sample time the system detected usage of the feature
LAST_USAGE_DATE DATE   Last sample time the system detected usage of the feature
AUX_COUNT NUMBER   This column stores feature-specific usage data in number format.
FEATURE_INFO CLOB   This column stores feature-specific usage data in character format.
LAST_SAMPLE_DATE DATE   Amount of time (in seconds) between the last two usage sample times
LAST_SAMPLE_PERIOD NUMBER   Amount of time (in hours) between the last two usage sample times
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(128)   Description of the feature and usage detection logic


Use the following SQL query to list the database features and their descriptions in alphabetical order:
SELECT name, description FROM dba_feature_usage_statistics
ORDER BY name;