DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN displays historical information about resource plans. This view contains snapshots of V$RSRC_PLAN_HISTORY.

Column Datatype NULL Description
DBID NUMBER NOT NULL Database ID for the snapshot
INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER NOT NULL Instance number for the snapshot
SEQUENCE# NUMBER NOT NULL A sequential counter that uniquely describes a row. When the instance is restarted, this value is reset to zero.
START_TIME DATE NOT NULL Time that the resource plan was enabled
END_TIME DATE NOT NULL Time that the resource plan was disabled; NULL if the row contains the current resource plan information
PLAN_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Resource plan ID; NULL if the Resource Manager was disabled
PLAN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Resource plan name; NULL if the Resource Manager was disabled
CPU_MANAGED VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Indicates whether the resource plan has parameters that specify a policy for how the Resource Manager should schedule sessions to manage CPU usage (ON) or whether Resource Manager is not managing CPU usage (OFF)
PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MANAGEDFoot 1  VARCHAR2(4)   State of parallel statement queuing:
  • OFF - Parallel statement queuing is disabled

  • STARTUP - Parallel statement queuing is enabled. This is a temporary state that can occur when an Oracle RAC database is undergoing configuration changes

  • FIFO - Parallel statement queuing is enabled. All parallel statements are managed in a single Oracle RAC FIFO queue

  • FULL - Parallel statement queuing is enabled. All parallel statements are managed in per-consumer group queues according to the current resource plan. This state is used when a resource plan that contains resource allocation directives (MGMT_P*) is enabled.

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (