DBA_LOGMNR_SESSION displays all active LogMiner persistent sessions in the database.

A persistent LogMiner session is created either by starting Data Guard SQL Apply on a logical standby database for the first time or by creating Streams capture.

Column Datatype NULL Description
ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique session identifier
NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Unique session name
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   Global name of the source database whose archived logs are to be mined in this persistent LogMiner session
SOURCE_DBID NUMBER   Database ID of the source database
SOURCE_RESETLOGS_SCN NUMBER   Resetlogs SCN associated with the incarnation of the source database whose archived logs are mined
SOURCE_RESETLOGS_TIME NUMBER   Resetlogs time associated with the incarnation of the source database whose archived logs are mined
FIRST_SCN NUMBER   Only modifications that occurred on or after this SCN can be mined using this persistent session
END_SCN NUMBER   No modifications that occurred on or after this SCN can be mined using this persistent session
BRANCH_SCN NUMBER   SCN at which a branch will be taken in terms of the incarnation corresponding to the source database. This implies a point-in-time recovery was performed at the source database at this SCN.
WAIT_FOR_LOG VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the persistent session waits for RFS to register new archived logs or to fill gaps (YES) or not (NO)
HOT_MINE VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether real-time mining is on (YES) or not (NO)
SAFE_PURGE_SCN NUMBER   Persistent session can safely be purged up to this SCN
CHECKPOINT_SCN NUMBER   SCN at which the latest checkpoint is taken by the persistent LogMiner session