DBA_SQLTUNE_RATIONALE_PLAN displays the association between rationales and operations in the execution plan of all SQL statements in the database.

Related View

USER_SQLTUNE_RATIONALE_PLAN displays the association between rationales and operations in the execution plan of the SQL statements owned by the current user.

Column Datatype NULL Description
TASK_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Tuning task identifier
EXECUTION_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the task execution with which this entry (row) is associated
RATIONALE_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Rationale identifier
OBJECT_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Advisor framework object identifier
OPERATION_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Operation identifier
PLAN_ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2(27)   Type of the execution plan:
  • Original - Original plan of the query

  • Original with adjusted cost - Same as Original but with adjusted cost

  • Using SQL profile - Plan with SQL profile applied

  • Using new indices - Plan with indexes applied