DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS displays information about declarative rule-based transformations that keep a list of columns in a row logical change record (LCR).

Column Datatype NULL Description
RULE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation
RULE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the rule which has an associated transformation
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Schema of the column to be kept
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Table of the column to be kept
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(4000)   Column to keep
VALUE_TYPE VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether to keep the old (OLD), new (NEW), or both (*) value of the LCR
PRECEDENCE NUMBER   0 (the execution order relative to other transformations on the same STEP_NUMBER; the smaller number will be executed first)
STEP_NUMBER NUMBER   Order in which this transformation should be executed