REPORT_COMPONENTS displays metadata about different database components offering reports in XML, HTML, or Text formats. Reports are first generated in XML and can then be translated into HTML or Text formats, for supported report types. Each component generates one or more reports containing different types of content. You can request reports using the component's own PL/SQL interfaces (for example, DBMS_SQLTUNE for SQL Tuning Advisor) or using the DBMS_REPORT package.

Column Datatype NULL Description
COMPONENT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ID number of the database component building the report
COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the database component building the report (for example, sqltune for SQL Tuning Advisor)
COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256)   Component description
REPORT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ID number of the report type
REPORT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the report type
REPORT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256)   Description of the report type
SCHEMA_FILENAME VARCHAR2(500)   Filename of the XML schema for the report (optional)
SCHEMA_DATA XMLTYPE   XML schema for this report (optional)