
Packages are defined using PL/SQL. Therefore, this section provides some general information but refers to Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for details of syntax and semantics.

Use the ALTER PROCEDURE statement to explicitly recompile a standalone stored procedure. Explicit recompilation eliminates the need for implicit run-time recompilation and prevents associated run-time compilation errors and performance overhead.

To recompile a procedure that is part of a package, recompile the entire package using the ALTER PACKAGE statement (see ALTER PACKAGE).


This statement does not change the declaration or definition of an existing procedure. To redeclare or redefine a procedure, use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement with the OR REPLACE clause (see CREATE PROCEDURE).

The ALTER PROCEDURE statement is quite similar to the ALTER FUNCTION statement. Refer to ALTER FUNCTION for more information.


The procedure must be in your own schema or you must have ALTER ANY PROCEDURE system privilege.



Description of alter_procedure.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''alter_procedure.gif''

(procedure_compile_clause: See Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for the syntax of this clause.)



Specify the schema containing the procedure. If you omit schema, then Oracle Database assumes the procedure is in your own schema.


Specify the name of the procedure to be recompiled.


See Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for the syntax and semantics of this clause and for complete information on creating and compiling procedures.