Syntax for SQL Condition Types

A condition specifies a combination of one or more expressions and logical (Boolean) operators and returns a value of TRUE, FALSE, or unknown.

Conditions have several forms. The sections that follow show the syntax for each form of condition. Refer to Chapter 5, "Subclauses" for the syntax of the subclauses.

See Also:

Conditions in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for detailed information about SQL conditions

BETWEEN condition

expr1 [ NOT ] BETWEEN expr2 AND expr3

Compound conditions

{ (condition)
| NOT condition
| condition { AND | OR } condition

EQUALS_PATH condition

    (column, path_string [, correlation_integer ])

EXISTS condition

EXISTS (subquery)

Floating-point conditions

expr IS [ NOT ] { NAN | INFINITE }

Group comparison conditions

{ expr
     { = | != | ^= | <> | > | < | >= | <= }
     { ANY | SOME | ALL }
     ({ expression_list | subquery })
| ( expr [, expr ]... )
  { = | != | ^= | <> }
  { ANY | SOME | ALL }
  ({ expression_list
     [, expression_list ]...
   | subquery

where !=, ^=, and <> test for inequality

IN condition

{ expr [ NOT ] IN ({ expression_list | subquery })
| ( expr [, expr ]... )
    [ NOT ] IN ({ expression_list [, expression_list ]...
                | subquery

IS A SET condition

nested_table IS [ NOT ] A SET

IS ANY condition

[ dimension_column IS ] ANY

IS EMPTY condition

nested_table IS [ NOT ] EMPTY

IS OF type condition

expr IS [ NOT ] OF [ TYPE ]
   ([ ONLY ] [ schema. ] type
      [, [ ONLY ] [ schema. ] type ]...

IS PRESENT condition

cell_reference IS PRESENT

LIKE condition

char1 [ NOT ] { LIKE | LIKEC | LIKE2 | LIKE4 }
  char2 [ ESCAPE esc_char ]

Logical conditions

{ NOT | AND | OR }

MEMBER condition

expr [ NOT ] MEMBER [ OF ] nested_table

Null conditions

expr IS [ NOT ] NULL

REGEXP_LIKE condition

REGEXP_LIKE(source_char, pattern
            [, match_param ]

Simple comparison conditions

{ expr 
  { = | != | ^= | <> | > | < | >= | <= }
| (expr [, expr ]...)
  { = | != | ^= | <> }
  ( expression_list | subquery )

where !=, ^=, and <> test for inequality



UNDER_PATH condition

UNDER_PATH (column [, levels ], path_string
             [, correlation_integer ]