The Wait Time Distribution subsection of a sample report is shown in this graphic. This subsection contains two tables.
The first table, named Time Period (1), contains three columns: Event (1), Wait Time (1), and Event Count (1). The values of each row in this table are as follows:
log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) Configuration, 239.88801, 12
direct path write temp User I/O, 10, 2924
log buffer space Configuration, 10, 6
The second table, named Time Period (2), contains three columns: Event (2), Wait Time (2), and Event Count (2). The values of each row in this table are as follows:
direct path read user I/O, 590, 185443
log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) Configuration, 114.33483, 20
direct path read temp User I/O, 80, 132686
free buffer waits Configuration, 70, 435
direct path write temp User I/O, 50, 73
db file sequential read User I/O, 50, 11617
log file switch completion Configuration, 30. 44
log buffer space Configuration, 30, 34
latch: row cache objects Concurrency, 10, 28
undo segment extension Configuration, 10, 4
End of image description.