Clone (OraLOB/BFILE) Method


Returns the clone of an OraLOB or OraBFILE object.


OraBlob1 = OraBlob.Clone
OraClob1 = OraClob.Clone
OraBfile = OraBfile.Clone


The arguments for the method are:

Arguments Description
[in] OraLOB A valid object of type OraBLOB, OraCLOB, or OraBFILE.


This method makes a copy of an OraBLOB or OraCLOB object. This copy does not change due to a dynaset move operation or OraSQLStmt Refresh operation. No operation that modifies the LOB content of an OraBLOB or OraCLOB object can be performed on a clone.

This method makes a copy of Oracle BFILE locator and returns an OraBFILE associated with that copy. The copy of an OraBFILE does not change due to a dynaset move operation or a OraSQLStmt refresh operation.