CreateOraIntervalYM Method

Applies To

OraSession Object


Creates the OraIntervalYM object. This OraIntervalYM represents an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type.


Set OraIntervalYMObj = OraSession.CreateOraIntervalYM value


The arguments for the method are:

Arguments Description
[in] value A Variant of type String, a numeric value, or an OraIntervalYM object.

Return Values

OraIntervalYM Object


An OraSession object must be created before an OraIntervalYM object can be created.

If value is a Variant of type String, it must be in the following format: [+/-] YEARS-MONTHS.

If value is a numeric value, the value provided should represent the total number of years that the constructed OraIntervalYM object represents.

A Variant of type OraIntervalYM can also be passed. A cloned OraIntervalYM object is returned.


Dim oraIYM as OraIntervalYM 
Dim oraIYM2 as OraIntervalYM 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a string which represents 1 year and 2 months 
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM("1- 2") 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using a numeric value which represents
'1 year and 6 months 
Set oraIYM = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM(1.5) 
'Create an OraIntervalYM using an OraIntervalYM 
Set oraIYM2 = oo4oSession.CreateOraIntervalYM(oraIYM)