Get_Value Method


Returns the value of a particular element of the array at the specified index.


OraParamArray.Get_Value(array, index)


The arguments for the method are:

Arguments Description
[in] array A String representing the name of the array.
[in] index An Integer representing the index value of the object.


The OraParamArray.Get_Value method returns the value of the field as a Variant. The value of data_value = oraparameter.Value sets the contents of the parameter.

Note that fields of type DATE are returned in the default Visual Basic format as specified in the Control Panel, even though the default Oracle date format is "DD-MMM-YY".

The Value argument can be an Oracle Database 10g object, such as an OraBLOB object. For Put_Value, a copy of the object is made at that point in time, and Get_Value must be accessed to obtain a new object that refers to that index value. For example, if iotype is ORATYPE_BOTH and an OraBLOB object obtained from a dynaset is passed in as the input value, Get_Value needs to be called after the SQL code has been executed to obtain the newly updated output value of the ParamaterArray object.

Similar to a dynaset, the object obtained from the ParamaterArray Get_Value property refers to the latest value for that ParamaterArray index. The Visual Basic value Null can also be passed as a value. The Visual Basic value EMPTY can be used for BLOB and CLOB to indicate an empty LOB, and for Object, VARRAY, and nested table data types to indicate an object whose attributes are all Null.

This method is not available at design time and is read-only at run time.

When binding to RAW columns (ServerType ORATYPE_RAW_BIN), the value should be a byte array.