IsLess (OraTimeStamp) Method

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


Checks if the OraTimeStamp object is less than an argument.


isLessr = OraTimeStampObj.IsLess value format


The arguments for the method are:

Arguments Description
[in] value A Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.
[in] [optional] format Specifies the TIMESTAMP format string to be used to interpret value when value is of type String. If format is not specified, the value is interpreted using the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.


Returns a Boolean value: The value is True if the OraTimeStamp is less than the argument; otherwise, it is False. The IsLess method compares all the date-time values stored in the OraTimeStamp object.

If value is of type String, the string format must match the format specified in the format argument. If format is not specified, the string format must match the Format property of the current OraTimeStamp object.