ToDate Method


Returns a copy of the Date type from an OraTimeStamp or OraTimeStampTZ object.


Set date = OraTimeStampObj.ToDate
Set date = OraTimeStampTZObj.ToDate


This method returns the datetime values in the Date data type. As a result, the date-time values can be adjusted if they fall outside the range allowed by a VB date.

  • For an OraTimeStamp object:

    Returns a new Date object with the same date-time values as the current OraTimeStamp object, but the nanosecond portion is truncated.

  • For an OraTimeStampTZ object:

    Returns a new Date object with the same date-time values as the current OraTimeStampTZ object, but the nanosecond portion and time zone portion are truncated.


Using the OraTimeStamp Object

Dim OraTimeStamp As OraTimeStamp 
'Create OraTimeStamp using a string 
Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("1999-APR-29 12:10:23.444 AM", _
' returns a Date type with date value set to "1999-APR-29 12:10:23 AM" 
' note that the fractional part is dropped 
Set date = OraTimeStamp.ToDate 

Using the OraTimeStampTZ Object

Dim OraTimeStampTZ As OraTimeStampTZ 
'Create OraTimeStampTZ using a string 
Set OraTimeStampTZ = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStampTZ("2000-12-28" & _ 
        "12:10:23.444 -07:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.FF TZH:TZM") 
'returns a Date type with date value set to "2000-12-28 12:10:23" 
'note that Time Zone and nanosecond portions are dropped 
Set date = OraTimeStampTZ.ToDate