Connection Property


Returns the OraConnection object associated with the specified database, dynaset, or OraSQLStmt object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


Set oraconnection = oradatabase.Connection
Set oraconnection = oradynaset.Connection
Set oraconnection = orasqlstmt.Connection

Data Type

OLE Object (OraConnection)


  • OraDatabase.Connection

    Returns the connection object associated with the specified database. Each database is associated with one connection object, but many databases can share the same connection object.

  • OraDynaset.Connection

    Returns the connection object associated with this dynaset. This is equivalent to referencing oradynaset.Database.Connection.

  • OraSQLStmt.Connection

    Returns the connection object associated with this OraSQLStmt object. This is equivalent to referencing orasqlstmt.Database.Connection.