Name Property


Returns the name used to identify the given object. Not available at design time and read-only at run time.


client_name = oraclient.Name
field_name = orafield.Name
parameter_name = oraparameter.Name 
paramarray_name = oraparamarray.Name
session_name = orasession.Name 
server_name = oraserver.Name
subscription_name = orasubscription.Name

Data Type



  • oraclient.Name

    Returns the name of the specified OraClient object. This value is always local.

  • orafield.Name

    Returns the name of the specified OraField object. If this is a true database field (not an alias), this use returns the name of the field as it appears in the database. If a SQL statement was executed that contains, for example, calculated select list items or column aliases, then the name is the actual text provided in the SQL SELECT statement.

  • oraparameter.Name

    Returns the name of the specified OraParameter object. In addition to identifying the parameter within a parameters collection, the parameter name is also used to match placeholders within SQL and PL/SQL statements for the purposes of parameter binding.

  • oraparamarray.Name

    Returns the name of the specified OraParamArray object. In addition to identifying the parameter within a parameters collection, the parameter name is also used to match placeholders within SQL and PL/SQL statements for the purposes of parameter binding.

  • orasession.Name

    Returns the name of the specified OraSession object. For automatically created sessions, this is the name assigned by the system (usually a hexadecimal number). For user-created sessions, this is the name originally provided in the CreateSession method. Once created, a session name cannot be changed.

  • oraserver.Name

    Returns the name of the physical connection of the specified OraServer object.

  • orasubscription.Name

    Returns the name used to represent the subscription. Name here refers to the subscription name in the form of the string 'SCHEMA.QUEUE' if the registration is for a single consumer queue and 'SCHEMA.QUEUE:CONSUMER_NAME' if the registration is for a multiple consumer queue.

See Also: