Value (OraTimeStamp) Property

Applies To

OraTimeStamp Object


When read, the Value property provides a string representation of the value of the OraTimeStamp object. If the Format property is not null, the output string format is in the format specified by the Format property; otherwise, the output string format is in the session TIMESTAMP format (NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT). When set, the Value property accepts a Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.


string = OraTimeStampObj.ValueOraTimeStampObj.Value= value


Arguments Description
[in] value A Variant of type String, Date, or OraTimeStamp.

Data Type



If the value is of type String and Format is not null, the string format must match the Format property. If the Format property is null, the string format must match the session TIMESTAMP format.


Set OraTimeStamp = OraSession.CreateOraTimeStamp("1999-APR-29 " & _ 
         "12:10:23.444 AM", "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM") 
'returns a string for the Value property 
tsStr = OraTimeStamp.Value 
'set OraTimeStamp.Value using a string 
OraTimeStamp.Value = "1999-APR-29 12:10:23.444 AM"