Navigation Alternatives

This section describes alternative methods for navigating between pages in the Application Express user interface.

Navigating Using Icons or Drop Down Menus

You can move between pages in Oracle Application Express by clicking large graphical icons. When using these icons, you have two navigation options:

  • Primary Navigation (drill-down). Click a large icon to drill-down to the appropriate page.

  • Secondary Navigation (drop down menus). Click the down arrow on the right side of the icon to view a drop down menu. Select an option from the menu.


For the purposes of consistency, this document uses the primary navigation path (or drill-down approach) when explaining navigation.
Description of new_menu.gif follows
Description of the illustration new_menu.gif

Navigating Using Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs (also called locator links) appear at the top of every page within the Oracle Application Express user interface. Each breadcrumb entry indicates where the current page is relative to other pages within the user interface. You can use breadcrumbs to instantly link to a previous page. For example, clicking on Home takes you to the Workspace home page.

Description of breadcrum.gif follows
Description of the illustration breadcrum.gif