
Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide describes how to use Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and utilities to load and unload data from an Oracle database, generate DDL, view object reports, and restore dropped database objects.

This preface contains these topics:

Topic Overview

This document contains the following chapters:

Title Description
Managing Database Objects with Object Browser Explains how Object Browser enables developers to browse, create, and edit objects in a database.
Using SQL Scripts Describes how to use SQL Scripts to create, edit, view, run and delete script files.
Using SQL Commands Provides information on how to use SQL Commands to create, edit, view, run, and delete SQL commands.
Using Oracle Application Express Utilities Describes how to use Oracle Application Express utilities to load and unload data from an Oracle database, generate DDL, view object reports and restore dropped database objects.
Building Queries with Query Builder Explains how Query Builder's graphical user interface enables database developers to build queries without the need for manual SQL coding.


Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide is intended for application developers who are building database-centric Web applications using Oracle Application Express. The guide describes how to use Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and utilities to load and unload data from an Oracle database, generate DDL, view object reports, and restore dropped database objects.

To use this guide, you must have a general understanding of relational database concepts and the operating system environment under which Oracle Application Express is running.

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