B Oracle XDK for Java TXU Error Messages

This appendix lists error messages that may be encountered in applications that use Oracle XDK for Java during the execution of TXU interfaces.

See Also:

http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#id-errors for the XQuery error messages

General TXU Error Messages

These error messages are in the range TXU-0001 through TXU-0099.

TXU-0001: Fatal Error

TXU-0002: Error

TXU-0003: Warning

DLF Error Messages

These error messages are in the range TXU-0100 through TXU-0199.

TXU-0100: parameter string in query string not found

Cause: There is not a placeholder for the parameter in the query

Action: Supply a parameter whose id can be found as an associated placeholder in the associated query

TXU-0101: incompatible attributes col and constant coexist at string in query string

Cause: Attributes 'col' and 'constant' cannot coexist

Action: Remove either 'col' or 'constant' attribute

TXU-0102: node string not found

Cause: The document lacks an expected node

Action: Supply the missing node

TXU-0103: element string lacks content

Cause: The element has no data

Action: Supply content

TXU-0104: element string with SQL string lacks col or constant attribute

Cause: The element lacks a required attribute of 'col' or 'constant'

Action: Supply either 'col' or 'constant' attribute

TXU-0105: SQL exception string while processing SQL string

Cause: An error occurred during the SQL execution

Action: Resolve the error in the SQL statement

TXU-0106: no data for column string selected by SQL string

Cause: The SQL query returned no data

Action: Supply data or modify your query

TXU-0107: datatype string not supported

Cause: An attempt to process an unsupported datatype was made

Action: Change the datatype to a supported one

TXU-0108: missing maxsize attribute for column string

Cause: The size-unit attribute is specified but maxsize is not.

Action: Supply the maxsize attribute, too

TXU-0109: a text length of string for string exceeds the allowed maximum of string

Cause: The length of the text data is too long

Action: Shorten the data so it fits in the limit, or enlarge the maxsize attribute and ensure the database column is large enough

TXU-0110: undeclared column string in row string

Cause: A column in the data section is not declared in the columns section

Action: Modify the column name to a declared one

TXU-0111: lacking column data for string in row string

Cause: A column is declared but the data is missing.

Action: Supply the col element whose name attribute matches the column name

TXU-0112: undeclared query parameter string for column string

Cause: The query parameter refers to an undeclared column

Action: Specify a declared column

TXU-0113: incompatible attribute string with a query on column string

Cause: A column with a query cannot have the specified attribute

Action: Remove either the attribute or query

TXU-0114: DLF parse error (string) on line string, character string in string

Cause: The format is in error as reported

Action: Correct the erroneous part

TXU-0115: The specified date string string has an invalid format

Cause: The specified date string does not match the specified formatstring.

Action: Make sure the date string is in an appropriate date format

TransX Informational Messages

These error messages are in the range TXU-0200 throughTXU-0299.

TXU-0200: duplicate row at string

Cause: A duplicate row exists in the database

Action: This message appears on the DuplicateRowException to inform applications of existance of one or more duplicate rows already stored in the database

TransX Error Messages

These error messages are in the range TXU-0300 through TXU-0399.

TXU-0300: document string not found

Cause: The document could not be located

Action: Modify the document location or supply the document at the location

TXU-0301: file string could not be read

Cause: An I/O error happened when reading the file

Action: Resolve the I/O problem

TXU-0302: archive string not found

Cause: The archive file could not be located

Action: Ensure that the CLASSPATH includes TransX correctly and only once

TXU-0303: schema string not found in string

Cause: The schema definition of DLF could not be located

Action: Obtain an unbroken copy of a TransX archive

TXU-0304: archive path for string not found

Cause: The path for the archive could not be determined

Action: Ensure that the CLASSPATH includes TransX correctly and only once

TXU-0305: no database connection on string call for string

Cause: The operation was attempted without a database connection

Action: Open a connection first

TXU-0306: null tablename given; access denied

Cause: The table name is not provided

Action: Specify a table name

TXU-0307: lookup-keys could not be determined string

Cause: The data dictionary is corrupted

Action: Restore the data dictionary

TXU-0308: binary file string not found

Cause: The file name is invalid

Action: Supply a good file name

TXU-0309: a file size of string exceeds the allowed maximum of 2,000 bytes

Cause: The file is too large

Action: Reduce the file size

Assertion Messages

These error messages are in the range TXU-0400 through TXU-0499.

TXU-0400: missing SQL statement element on string

Cause: An internal assertion was not successful

Action: Contact Oracle customer support

TXU-0401: missing node string

Cause: An internal assertion was not successful

Action: Contact Oracle customer support

TXU-0402: invalid flag string

Cause: An internal assertion was not successful

Action: Contact Oracle customer support

TXU-0403: internal error string

Cause: An internal assertion was not successful

Action: Contact Oracle customer support

TXU-0404: unexpected Exception string

Cause: An internal assertion was not successful

Action: Contact Oracle customer support

Usage Description Messages

These error messages are in the range TXU-0500 through TXU-0599.

TXU-0500: XML data transfer utility

TXU-0501: Parameters are as follows:

TXU-0502: JDBC connect string

TXU-0503: You can omit the connect string information through the '@' symbol.

TXU-0504: Then jdbc:oracle:thin:@ will be supplied.

TXU-0505: database username

TXU-0506: database password

TXU-0507: data file name or URL

TXU-0508: Options:

TXU-0509: update existing rows

TXU-0510: raise exception if a row is already existing

TXU-0511: print data in the predefined format

TXU-0512: save data in the predefined format

TXU-0513: print the XML to load

TXU-0514: print the tree for update

TXU-0515: omit validation

TXU-0516: validate the data format and exit without loading

TXU-0517: preserve whitespace

TXU-0518: Examples: