This appendix lists error messages that may be encountered in applications that use Oracle XDK for Java during the execution of the XSU interfaces.
See Also:
for the XQuery error messagesThese error messages are in the range XSUK-0001 through XSUK-0099.
These error messages are in the range XSUE-0000 through XSUE-0099.
XSUE-0000: Internal Error -- Exception Caught string
XSUE-0001: Internal Error -- string
XSUE-0002: string is not a scalar column. The row id attribute can only get values from scalar columns.
XSUE-0003: string is not a valid column name.
XSUE-0004: This object has been closed. If you would like the object not to be closed implicitly between calls, see the string method.
XSUE-0005: The row-set enclosing tag and the row enclosing tag are both omitted; consequently, the result can consist of at most one row which contains exactly one column which is not marked to be an XML attribute.
XSUE-0006: The row enclosing tag or the row-set enclosing tag is ommitted; consequently to get a well formed XML document, the result can only consist of a single row with multiple columns or multiple rows with exactly one column which is not marked to be an XML attribute.
XSUE-0007: Parsing of the sqlname failed -- invalid arguments.
XSUE-0008: Character string is not allowed in an XML tag name.
XSUE-0009: this method is not supported by string class. Please use string instead.
XSUE-0010: The number of bind names does not equal the number of bind values.
XSUE-0011: The number of bind values does not match the number of binds in the SQL statement.
XSUE-0012: Bind name identifier string does not exist in the sql query.
XSUE-0013: The bind identifier has to be of non-zero length.
XSUE-0014: Root node supplied is null.
XSUE-0015: Invalid LOB locator specified.
XSUE-0016: File string does not exit.
XSUE-0017: Can not create oracle.sql.STRUCT object of a type other than oracle.sql.STRUCT (i.e. ADT).
XSUE-0018: Null is not a valid DocumentHandler.
XSUE-0019: Null and empty string are not valid namespace aliases.
XSUE-0020: to use this method you will have to override it in your subclass.
XSUE-0021: You are using an old version of the gss library; thus, sql-xml name escaping is not supported.
XSUE-0022: cannot create XMLType object from opaque base type: string
These error messages are in the range XSUE-0100 through XSUE-0199.
XSUE-0100: Invalid context handle specified.
XSUE-0101: In the FIRST row of the resultset there is a nested cursor whose parent cursor is empty; when this condition occurs we are unable to generate a dtd.
XSUE-0102: string is not a valid IANA encoding.
XSUE-0103: The resultset is a "TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY" (non-scrollable); consequently, xsu can not reposition the read point. Furthermore, since the result set has been passed to the xsu by the caller, the xsu can not recreate the resultset.
XSUE-0104: input character is invalid for well-formed XML: string
These error messages are in the range XSUE-0200 through XSUE-0299.
XSUE-0200: The XML element tag string does not match the name of any of the columns/attributes of the target database object.
XSUE-0201: NULL is an invalid column name.
XSUE-0202: Column string, specified to be a key column, does not not exits in table string.
XSUE-0203: Column string, specified as column to be updated, does not exist in the table string.
XSUE-0204: Invalid REF element - string - attribute string missing.
XSUE-0206: Must specify key values before calling update routine. Use the string function.
XSUE-0207: UpdateXML: No columns to update. The XML document must contain some non-key columns to update.
XSUE-0208: The key column array must be non empty.
XSUE-0209: The key column array must be non empty.
XSUE-0210: No rows to modify -- the row enclosing tag missing. Specify the correct row enclosing tag.
XSUE-0211: string encountered during processing ROW element string in the XML document.