Release Notes
11g Release 2 (11.2) for HP OpenVMS Itanium
September 2017
This document contains important information that was not included in the platform-specific or product-specific documentation for Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (
This document may be updated after it is released. You can check for updates to this document and view other Oracle documentation at
These Release Notes are part of the following documentation set for the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) for HP OpenVMS Itanium:
This document contains the following topics:
The latest certification information for Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) is available on My Oracle Support at
See Also:
Document ID 377470.1 to view the certification matrix for HP OpenVMS ItaniumFor a complete list of new features, see Oracle Database New Features Guide.
The following products are not available at the time of this release:
Oracle Real Application Clusters and Oracle Clusterware
Agent control utility (agtctl
Apache modules mod-JServ
, mod-perl
, and mod-ssl
Automatic Storage Management
Oracle Database HP OpenVMS 11g Release 2 (11.2) supports only the file system as a storage option for both Oracle Database files and as well as Oracle Database recovery files.
Connection Manager
Cursor size utility (cursize
Database file size utility (dbfsize
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
This release does not support Enterprise JavaBeans on the server.
File Map Utility (fmputl
File Map Utility Helper (fmputlhp
Hewlett-Packard Fortran Compiler (F90)
The Hewlett-Packard Fortran compiler (formerly the DIGITAL Fortran 90) is not supported.
To check which FORTRAN compiler is on your system, run the following command:
If the following message is displayed:
"Invokes the Hewlett-Packard Fortran (formerly the DIGITAL Fortran 90) compiler."
then the FORTRAN command should be qualified with /OLD_F77,
as follows:
$ FORT/OLD_F77 foo.FOR
HS Distributed External Procedure agent (hsdepxa
HS OTS agent (hsots
INSO filters for Oracle Text
Oracle Files and Oracle Ultra Search
Oracle Files and Oracle Ultra Search are not supported due to the lack of third-party software called INSO filter.
Java API for ODM
The Java API for Oracle Data Mining is currently not supported on HP OpenVMS. However, the PL/SQL Data Mining interface is supported.
KGMGR utility (kgmgr
KGPMON utility (kgpmon
Max memory test utility (maxmem
Non-uniform memory access (NUMA)
Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM)
OCI Instant Client (ez-install
Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control
You can access Oracle Enterprise Manager from an Oracle Client installation on Windows.Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)
Oracle Application Express
Oracle HTTP Server
This release does not support Oracle HTTP Server, although the Companion CD offers an installation option for Apache Server.
Oracle Notification Server (ONS)
Oracle OLAP
Oracle OPatch
Oracle Personalization
Oracle Policy Manager
Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard
Oracle Real Application Clusters Management Pack
Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWM)
osh utility (osh
OSM Discovery utility (kfod
PSP Loader utility (loadpsp
Raw Devices
SBTTEST utility (sttest
Server Management
SGA Dump utility (dumpsga
SGA Lock/Unlock utility (oradism
SGA Map utility (mapsga
Shared memory test utility (tstshm
SQL*Module for Ada
Summary Management
Support for audit information to files
Support for the ORAMBX
System Resource Verifier utility (sysresv
TDS compiler (tdscomp
Workspace Manager
Oracle XA
Oracle XA functionality is supported only within the Oracle Database acting in the role of Transaction Manager as well as Resource Manager.
Oracle XA is the Oracle implementation of the X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) XA interface. The XA standard specifies a bidirectional interface between resource managers (for example, Oracle) that provide access to shared resources within transactions, and between a transaction service that monitors and resolves transactions.
Oracle Call Interface has XA functionality. When building a TP-monitor XA application, ensure that the TP-monitor libraries (that define the symbols ax_reg
and ax_unreg
) are placed in the link line before the Oracle client shared library. This link restriction is required only when using the XA dynamic registration (Oracle XA switch xaoswd
Oracle Database XA calls are defined in both the client shared library (
) and the client static library (libclntst.olb
). These libraries are located in the ORA_ROOT:[lib32]
XDK for C++
XML SQL Utility
The following Oracle Database initialization parameter has been desupported at the time of the release:
For latest information, best practices about preupgrade, postupgrade, compatibility, and interoperability discussions, see document 785351.1, Oracle 11gR2 Upgrade Companion on the My Oracle Support website:
See Also:
”Using Configuration Assistants as Standalone Tools” section in Oracle Database Administrator's Reference for HP OpenVMS Itanium for information about HP OpenVMS tools for migrating databasesThis section covers the following topics:
Oracle Database HP OpenVMS 11g Release 2 (11.2) uses Oracle Universal Installer to install the product.
The following types of installation are available:
Server: Enterprise Edition
Server: Standard Edition
Client Installation
All server installation includes the client installation.During the installation of HP OpenVMS, Oracle Universal Installer only installs the software. It does not create a database. You must run Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) separately to create a database. You can run DBCA from the same session as the
session. If you use a new process, then execute the @disk:[directory]
script to setup the environment to support DBCA, and then run DBCA.
The following section contains information about issues related to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) and associated products such as Oracle Database installation, configuration, and upgrade:
Time Zone Patch:
Patch 24763928 is available for base bug 24701840. It updates the time zone data for the release.
RMAN incremental backups do not work properly when Change Tracking Files are enabled. Patch 21340762 is available on My Oracle Support at
Enhanced Oracle Database Performance:
Install the Oracle image as an HP OpenVMS resident image to increase the performance of Oracle Database. To install the ORACLE.EXE
image resident, see Document ID 282965.1 on My Oracle Support at
OpenVMS Native Java 8:
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( is certified on Java 5 and Java 6. However, native OpenVMS Java 8 is not supported. This is because, OpenVMS Java 8 requires 64-bit client access and Oracle Database release on OpenVMS supports only 32-bit clients.
Though the generic Oracle JDBC FAQ documentation mentions that Oracle Database release supports Java 7 and Java 8, this is not true for native OpenVMS.
Java 7 was not available on OpenVMS.The "New Oracle Home" section in the "Preinstallation Tasks" chapter of the Oracle Database Installation Guide for HP OpenVMS Itanium shows incorrect format for logical Oracle Home. The correct format is:
The output must not include a trailing period.
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
or visit
if you are hearing impaired.
Oracle Database Release Notes, 11g Release 2 (11.2) for HP OpenVMS Itanium
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