
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


What's New in Database Utilities?

Part I Oracle Data Pump

1 Overview of Oracle Data Pump

2 Data Pump Export

3 Data Pump Import

4 Data Pump Legacy Mode

5 Data Pump Performance

6 The Data Pump API

Part II SQL*Loader

7 SQL*Loader Concepts

8 SQL*Loader Command-Line Reference

9 SQL*Loader Control File Reference

10 SQL*Loader Field List Reference

11 Loading Objects, LOBs, and Collections

12 Conventional and Direct Path Loads

Part III External Tables

13 External Tables Concepts

14 The ORACLE_LOADER Access Driver

15 The ORACLE_DATAPUMP Access Driver

Part IV Other Utilities

16 ADRCI: ADR Command Interpreter

17 DBVERIFY: Offline Database Verification Utility

18 DBNEWID Utility

19 Using LogMiner to Analyze Redo Log Files

20 Using the Metadata APIs

21 Original Export

22 Original Import

Part V Appendixes

A SQL*Loader Syntax Diagrams
