DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS describes alerts which the server considers to be outstanding.

Column Datatype NULL Description
SEQUENCE_ID NUMBER   Alert sequence number
REASON_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ID of the alert reason
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the object on which the alert was issued
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(513)   Name of the object
SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the subobject
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(64)   Object type
REASON VARCHAR2(4000)   Reason for the alert
TIME_SUGGESTED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Time when the alert was last updated
CREATION_TIME TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE   Time when the alert was first created
SUGGESTED_ACTION VARCHAR2(4000)   Advice of the recommended action
ADVISOR_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the advisor to be invoked for more information
METRIC_VALUE NUMBER   Value of the related metrics
MESSAGE_TYPE VARCHAR2(12)   Message type:
  • Notification

  • Warning

MESSAGE_GROUP VARCHAR2(64)   Name of the message group to which the alert belongs
MESSAGE_LEVEL NUMBER   Message severity level (1 to 32)
HOSTING_CLIENT_ID VARCHAR2(64)   ID of the client or security group to which the alert relates
MODULE_ID VARCHAR2(64)   ID of the module that originated the alert
HOST_ID VARCHAR2(256)   DNS host name of the originating host
HOST_NW_ADDR VARCHAR2(256)   IP or other network address of the originating host
INSTANCE_NAME VARCHAR2(16)   Originating instance name
INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER   Originating instance number
EXECUTION_CONTEXT_ID VARCHAR2(60)   ID of the threshold of execution
ERROR_INSTANCE_ID VARCHAR2(142)   ID of an error instance plus a sequence number