DBA_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_CHUNKS displays the chunks for all tasks in the database.

Related View

USER_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_CHUNKS displays the chunks for tasks created by the current user. This view does not display the TASK_OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
CHUNK_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique ID for the chunk
TASK_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the task
TASK_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the task
STATUS VARCHAR2(20)   Status of the chunk:




START_ROWID ROWID   Rowid for the first row in the chunk
END_ROWID ROWID   Rowid for the last row in the chunk
START_ID NUMBER   Number column value of the first row in the chunk
END_ID NUMBER   Number column value of the last row in the chunk
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the job which processed this chunk
START_TS TIMESTAMP(6)   Processing start time for the chunk
END_TS TIMESTAMP(6)   Processing end time for the chunk
ERROR_CODE NUMBER   Error code returned during the execution of the chunk if the STATUS column is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)   Error message returned during the execution of the chunk if the STATUS column is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR